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Human Resources Management (HRM) Advice
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Human Resources Management (HRM) Advice 1
Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior in the
University System
In every organization, there are three major resources to be managed if
the organization wants to achieve its objectives and goals. These
resources are Humans, materials and financial resources. And out of
these three, human resource management is the most important and
difficult to manage. The reason being that every human being is born
unique and therefore is bound to have different characteristics-- that
is, the ways they think feel reason and act. Secondly, human beings
control and coordinate the other resources. They constitute the
workforce of an organization and are referred to as personnel. Since
human nature plays a very major part in the overall success of an
organization, it is therefore important to have an effective working
relationship between the employee and the manager as this is essential
for the success of the organization.
Human Resource Management, which involves the efficient and effective
management within an organization, is one of the vital functions of
Educational Administrators. This is because every administrator has a
function to perform through his staff and his own abilities. Every
university like other formal organizations needs human beings to execute
its programmes and achieve educational goals and objectives. To be able
to achieve this, the Registrar who is the ‘chief of administration’ has
to ensure that personnel with whom he works knows what to do, when to do
it and how to do it. Another name for human resource management is
personnel management. No matter the name we chose to call it, its basic
function is to deal with people who make up an organization. And these
people have diverse interest, goals and values.
Akpakwu (2003), regards personnel management as the proper utilization
of the people in an organization towards achieving their needs and
organizational goals. To this extent, it involves understanding the
nature of people in an organization, their needs and aspiration and
evolving the necessary strategies to accomplish these needs and
aspirations. It also involves identifying the objectives of the
organization and creating a conducive atmosphere towards leading staff
to achieving the goals of the organization. Armstrong in Akpakwu (2003),
sees personnel management as the process of obtaining, organizing and
motivating the human resources needed in by an organization. He
advocated for the creation of a very conducive and cordial environment
in order to satisfy the needs of the workers and achieve organizational
goals. Denga (1990), on the other hand, regards Human management as an
exercise in human engineering. People have needs, problems, feelings
temperament etc which they come along with to these institutions. What
ever name it is called, human resource management is the responsibility
of all those who manage people. The administrative manager must
therefore find ways of satisfying these needs in such a way that the
individual, organization and society’s objectives are achieved.
The primary responsibility of a human resource manager is to ensure that
human resources are utilized and managed as efficiently and effectively
as possible. To this end, the university chief administrator is required
meet the following objectives:
1. Recruitment and selection, developing the work place required by the
2. Helping in creating a working environment that is conducive for his
members of staff so as to promote maximum contentment thereby motivating
3. Ensuring that the abilities and skills of the workforce are used to
the optimum in pursuance of the university’s mission and mandate.
4. Ensuring a fair balance between the personal needs of staff and the
needs of the Registry and the university in general.
The effectiveness and of any organization is dependent on the efficient
use of its resources particularly the human resource. Human resource
functions can be generally classified into three basic functions
1. Personal utilization to meet organizational needs
2. Motivation of employees to meet their needs and organizational needs
3. Maintenance of human relationships.
Other human resource management functions include :-
1. Recruitment and Selection:- This involves searching for a suitable
person to fill the vacant position. In the registry department, the
least qualification for an administrative secretary is a bachelor’s
degree. The basic goal of staffing is to locate qualified applicant who
will stay with the organization.
2. Training and Education:- This involves developing staff to
professional growth. In the Registry department, training involves
induction of new employees, formal training of staff which may include
on the job training.
3. Wages and salary Administration:- This refers to the financial
benefits that are given to staff for the jobs they have performed. In
the university administration, fixing of salaries is a continuous
exercise as position and posts keep changing due to growth and
functional advancement.
4. Staff Appraisals:- This is the continuous process of feed back to
subordinates about how well they have performed on their jobs. In the
registry department, members of staff are formally appraised annually by
their immediate supervisors and the evaluation ratified by the
Appointments and promotions committee.
5. Welfare:- In University administration, the main purpose of welfare
is to provide assistance to members of staff and also encourage a
positive relationship between staff and the university by providing
extra security comforts.
6. Trade Union Relations: - According to Akpakwu (2003), trade unions
are “sounding boards” for policies and decisions affecting staff. In
university administration, joint committees comprising management team
and trade unions have proved to be effective in resolving conflicts.
Trade Unions champion the problems and grievances of their members with
the view of improving the welfare of their members.
The functions of chief administrative officer in the university are
many. Generally though, he is to plan, organize, coordinate, direct and
report activities in relation to staff under him.
All organizations including educational institutions are made up of
people who chose to work in it primarily because it enables them to
satisfy at least some of their personal needs. Virtually everybody
works, plays or is educated in an organization. Attempt must be made to
define what an organization is. Ede (2000), defines organization as a
system of consciously coordinated activities which are deliberately
structured for the purpose of realizing specific goals. Dale (1978),
views organization thus: “Whenever several people are working together
for a common end, there must be some form of organization: that is the
task must be divided among them and the work of the group must be
coordinated. Dividing the work and arranging for coordination make up
the process of organization and once that is completed, the group may be
described as an organization.”
According to Unachukwu (1997), the more complex an organization is, the
more difficult it is to coordinate activities, predict events or
phenomena and attain set objectives maximally. We can therefore view
organizational behavior as the systematic study of the nature of
organizations; how they begin, how they develop and their effects on
individual members. It is also a systematic attempt to understand the
behavior of people in an organization; not just human behavior but
structural behavior, elements behavior, systems behavior and even policy
behavior. Thus for staff in the registry department of the university to
function efficiently and effectively, the Registrar must understand the
nature of people he is working with and be able to interpret their
behaviors. Organizational behavior follows the principle of human
behavior: People in an organization are governed by the same
psychological mechanisms both on the job and outside the job.
Organizational behavior is human behavior in a particular setting. The
behavior of an individual in an organization is determined to some
extent by internal and external factors. These include learning ability,
motivation, perception, attitude, emotions, frustration etc. while the
external factors include stress, reward system, degree of trust, group
cohesiveness, social factors, office policies etc. Organizational
behavior can also be situational. An individual’s behavior cannot be
disassociated from the situation he finds himself. For example, a
normally calm individual is forced into constant close physical
aggressiveness with some other people. The behavior of that individual
is therefore a function of interaction between his characteristics and
other environmental variables. Organizations are seen as complex systems
consisting of interrelated subsistence. Changes or alteration in any
part of the system have consequences on other part of the system.
Modification in the system leads to desired positive changes called
functions. Negative consequences in response to alteration or change in
the system are called dysfunction. Therefore the behavior of an
individual is borne out of the decisions that have been taken in an
Organizations represent constant interaction between structure and
process. To get an assignment accomplished in an organization, we need
to define who does what. Structures refer to organizational shapes,
definitions and rules. It is what binds an organization together.
Process is the sequence of activity in the system. Decision Making,
Communication, Leadership and Conflict are few examples of the many
processes that take place within an organization. Ocho (1997), aptly
suggests that human beings in an organization need to be constantly
motivated for adequate production and commitment. Consequently, the
primary responsibility of the Registrar is to ensure that human
resources are utilized and managed effectively and efficiently to meet
the university goals.
Good human relations in an organization, for it to function effectively
and efficiently cannot be over-emphasized. It provides knowledge on how
people interact and respond in different organizational situations in an
effort to satisfy their needs and in the process meet organizational
goals. The chief administrator’s ability to understand his staff and
their problems, and his belief in and the practice of democratic
leadership will go a long way to make him succeed in his supervisory and
administrative task. The effective operation of any organization depends
on the Human Resources in that organization. Unachukwu (1997),
implicitly states that Educational Administration is concerned with the
mobilization of the efforts of people for the achievement of educational
objectives. It is therefore imperative that the Registrar cultivates the
habits of Human Relations in his odious administrative task. Edem
(1987), observed that the difference between the ideas of the Efficiency
movement and those of the Human Relations movement was that of the
former emphasizing getting most out of the worker, even to the extent of
requiring him to subordinate his interest and needs of those in the
organization, while the latter emphasized the humanitarian aspects which
sought to satisfy the needs of the worker, minimize his frustrations and
increase the level of job satisfaction.
According to Mary Follet,(1964), a prominent pioneer of the Human
Relations movement in the National Society For The Study of Education,
she stated that the real service for business men is no t just the
production and distribution of manufactured articles, but to give an
opportunity for individual development and self-actualization through
better organization of human relationships. The process of production is
as important for the welfare of society as the product of production.
Follet perceives administration as a shared responsibility, asserting
that organizational structures should permit a free interplay of ideas
in order to minimize the rigidity of hierarchical structures; but warned
that shared responsibility should not be construed as being synonymous
with laissez-faire and absence of focal points of reference.
Unachukwu (1997), itemized the human relations movement stress as thus:
1. Human relations focus on workers as human beings rather than as
11. It focuses on the development of morale and individual.
111. Human relations emphasize paying attention to workers as human
beings in an informal associations within an organization.
1V. Human Relations led to the policy of consultation of participation
V. Human Relations approach led to the diffusion of authority which led
a wider participation in decision making. It led to a decentralized
approach to organization rather than centralization. This explains why
committees are used as tools for decision making.
Without human resource, there can be no organization. These human
resources are in two categories: Management and Subordinates.
Okonkwo (1997), is of the view that workers and their needs should be
uppermost in the minds of the leadership of any organization. In other
words, poor management of human resources in an organization will lead
to ineffectiveness or collapse of the organization. Edem (1998), states
that the Barnard-Simon theory of motivation recognizes the relationship
between the satisfaction by organizations of the needs of workers and
the workers productivity. The theory assumes that workers will perform
satisfactorily well if their needs are met. Nwankwo (1982), opines that
the more the needs of workers are satisfied within the organization, the
more they are motivated to work and thus satisfy the needs of the
organization. To motivate a worker therefore is to propel, impel and
energize him into action that will lead eventually to the achievement of
organizational goals. Thus motivation is primarily concerned with
spending effort towards a goal. Leavitt (1972), provided motivation
model from three basic premises:-
(I) Behavior is caused: The things we do, do not just happen. There
always underlying factors
(11) Behavior is directed: In the ultimate sense, there aimless
(111) Behavior is motivated: Underlying what we do are motives and
drives which provide us with the energy to attain goals or at least to
move in the direction of goals.
These three premises help a lot in understanding the behavior of workers
in an organization. When Adam Smith conceptualized the economic basis of
human motivation, it was his opinion that people work primarily for
money and are unconcerned about social feelings, and are motivated to do
only that which provides them with them with the greatest reward. This
approach has been criticized because its view of man is dehumanizing.
Money may not be the only primary source of rewarding behavior in an
organization as there is limit to which money can be used in motivating
workers. According to Argyle (1972), People can become committed to the
goals of the organization as a result of participating in decision
making in their work place or co-partnership schemes or through their
relationships with groups or supervisors. Commitment could also come
through the job itself. For example through ones achievements,
recognition, responsibility and professional growth. All these are
motivators that would energize human resources to meet organizational
goals and objectives. The ability of the educational manager to
therefore plan and organize human resources effectively, motivate and
control the staff is crucial to the effective and efficient management
of the university. This is because good human resource management
practice not only helps in attracting and retaining the best of staff,
but also motivating them to outstanding work performance. Lack of
motivation in work situations has serious effect on job satisfaction and
when job satisfaction is absent, the worker might soon leave the
organization. Saiyadanin (1999), supporting states that advancement or
changing one’s status reflects when this growth is not experienced, the
staff member becomes frustrated and dissatisfied.
Basically, the Registrar who is the Chief Administrative Manager deals
with human beings at various levels. Administration at all levels
involves effective planning, organizing, supervising, controlling and
evaluating. It is therefore his duty too co-ordinate all activities in
the registry to meet the university’s mission and mandate. Attempt has
been made to understand the meaning of human resource management as the
understanding of human behaviors, their needs, aspiration in an
organization and developing strategies to accomplish these needs and
aspirations. Knowing that if these needs are neglected, it could lead to
failure in achieving set goals for the university system. This paper has
also shown that organizational behavior is not just the study of the
systems, processes, and structures in an organization. But also the
systematic study of individuals’ behavior in an organization. It should
be understood that these individuals work with external and internal
environments which are psychological and sociological in nature.
University administrators should therefore deal with staff individually
and collectively with a view of understanding them deeply. To this end,
it has therefore becomes necessary for university registrars to advocate
the use of good human relations so as to ensure effective and efficient
administration in universities. This paper has also traced the need to
motivate workers not only through monetary means but also to recognize
the individual’s worth and enhance their feeling of responsibility and
Argyle M. (1972), The Social Psychology of Work. Penguin
Akpakwu A.O.(2003), Human Resource Management Towards Stable Higher
Institutions. ‘Benue State University Of Education Journal, Vol4 No.1
Dale E. (1978) Management Theory and Practice. Tokyo: Mcgraw-Hill,
Kogakusha Ltd.
Y and other work organizations. Calabar, Nigerian Educational
Denga, D.I. (1996), Human Engineering for higher productivity in
Ede .S. A. (2000) Educational administration and management, Jos,
Nigeria: Ichedum Publication Nigeria, Ibadan, Nigeria, Spectrum Books
Edem D.A. (1987), Introduction to Educational Administration in
Nigeria. Ibadan, Spectra Books limited.
Leavitt H.J. (1972), Managerial Psychology, 3rd Edition. Chicago,
University of Chicago Press.
Nwankwo J. (1982), Educational administration, Theory and Practice.
Vikas Publishing house PVT Ltd., New Delhi
National Society for the Study of Education. (1964), Behavioral
Science and Educational Administration, The Sixty-third yearbook, part 2
(University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Okonkwo S.N. (1992), An analysis of selected factors in Relation to
Academic Staff Utilization: A case study of Anambra state colleges of
education. An unpublished Ph.D Thesis, University of Benin, Benin City.
Unachukwu G.O.(1997), Human Relations and School Administration.
“Dynamics of Educational Administration and Management: The Nigerian
Perspective”, edited by A. N, Ndu, L.O. Ocho, and B.S Okeke, Awka. Meks
Okonkwo S.N.(1997), Job satisfaction and the Work Behavior of
Nigerian Teachers, Akwa Meks Publishers.
Ocho L.O. (1997), Administration and Leadership in Education
Awka. Meks Publishers
Saiyadain M.S.(1999), Human Resource Management. New Delhi: Tata
McGraw – Hill publishing company.
Author: ebi
Human Resources Management (HRM) Advice 2
HRM - Lateral Structural Arrangements in Organizations
Lateral Structural Arrangements in Organizations
In order that the organization can achieve its goals and objectives the
work of individual members must be linked into coherent patterns of
activities and relationships. This is achieved through the structure of
the organization and the nature of relations. Decision about the future
strategy of the organization are made by people and strategies are
implemented by people. The success or failure of a current strategy will
depend not only on decisions made in the past but also on how those
decisions are being implemented now by people employed by the
Lateral organizational arrangements include individuals of different
departments and groups. These relations exist on the same organizational
level and involve coordination and consultation. This type of
arrangements depends upon the co-operation activities and of informal
relations. It is therefore important to questions about who, how and why
people are doing what they are doing and what they should do in
strategic implementation. In short effective lateral organizational
arrangements add value, manage the business and can contribute to
strategic success but, conversely, they can make spectacular errors that
can be very costly to the organization (Galbraith, 1995).
Lateral organizational arrangements depend upon the roles of each
individual which implies the expected pattern of behaviors associated
with members occupying a particular position within the structure of the
organization. It also describes how a person perceives their own
The concept of 'role' is important not only to the functioning of groups
but for understanding cooperation processes and behavior. It is through
role differentiation that the structure of relationships among the
members are established. The development of lateral arrangements entails
the identification of distinct roles for each of its members. Some form
of structure is necessary for team-work and co-operation. The concept of
roles helps to clarify the structure and to define the pattern of
complex relationships within the group.
Lateral organizational arrangement belong to the formal relationships
which can be seen as forms of role relationships. These individual
authority relationships determine the pattern of interaction with other
roles. The role, or roles, that the individual plays within the group is
influenced by a combination of: situational factors, such as the
requirements of the task, the style of leader ship, position in the
communication network; and personal factors such as values, attitudes,
motivation, ability and personality.
The role that a person plays in one work group may be quite different
from the role that person plays in other work groups. However, everyone
within a group is expected to behave in a particular manner and to
fulfill certain role expectations. Also, the role relationships with
members of their own group - peers, superiors, subordinates - the
individual will have a number of role-related relationships with
outsiders, for example members of other work groups, trade union
officials, suppliers, consumers, and this patterns determine the nature
of lateral organizational arrangements. This is a person's 'role-set'.
The role-set comprises the range of associations or contacts with whom
the individual has meaningful interactions in connection with the
performance of their role (Galbraith, 1995).
An important feature of lateral relations is the concept of 'role
incongruence'. This means that a member of staff should not be perceived
as having a high and responsible position in one respect but a low
standing in another respect. Difficulties with role congruence can arise
from the nature of groupings and formal relationships within the
structure of the organization. Lateral organizational arrangements help
to overcome problems which cannot be solved with the help of vertical
relations only. "However, in many modern organizations where
conventional communication structures either do not exist or are less
formal, communication tends to be horizontal, between individuals and
departments, rather than the upwards or downward flow assumed by so many
to be the normal case" (Ball, 2001).
Decentralization principle is important in a large corporation, which
became the central tenet of so much business practice. The need to
coordinate strategic planning from the centre to ensure long-term growth
for the company, while allowing the individual units and their managers
to get on with day-to-day tactics are also play the crucial role. "The
personal relations existing among members of an organization which are
not represented by the "blueprint" constitute informal organization or
informal relationships. Informal organization plays as important a part
in functioning of social organization as formal organization" (Formal &
Informal relations, n.d.).
lateral organizational arrangements are achieved when the various HR
strategies cohere and are mutually supporting. This can be attained by
the process of 'bundling' or 'configuration'. If a deliberate attempt to
'bundle' is made, this process will be driven by the needs and
characteristics of the business. In this very case lateral
organizational arrangements could be described the process of ensuring
that strategies are integrated with or 'fit' business strategies. The
concept of coherence could be defined as lateral organizational
arrangements - the development of a mutually reinforcing and
interrelated set of policies and practices. Lateral organizational
arrangements are chiefly about ensuring that the firms has the skilled,
committed and well-motivated workforce.
Lateral organizational arrangements are closely connected with
functional features of work. The word 'functional' is used to indicate
major aspects or departments of the organization such as research,
production and marketing. Differentiation describes 'the difference in
cognitive and emotional orientation among managers in different
functional departments' with respect to: the goal orientation of
managers, for example the extent to which attention was focused on
particular goals of the department; the time orientation of managers and
relation to aspects of the environment with which they are concerned,
for example longer-term horizons, or short- term horizons and problems
requiring immediate solutions; the interpersonal relations of managers
to other members, for example a managerial style based on concern for
the task, or on concern for people relationships; and the formality of
It is sometimes suggested that in many organizations the responsibility
for employee relations still lies with the line managers who are often
skeptical or even hostile towards personnel ideas and techniques, and
who frequently reject the concept of an employee relations policy
because it hampers their work and limits their flexibility. If line
managers are left to handle industrial relations issues for themselves,
the pressures of production are likely to lead to ad hoc and
contradictory decisions. If a personnel policy is introduced to promote
consistent decisions on industrial relations issues, its effectiveness
may depend on granting authority to the personnel department to override
the natural priorities of line managers (Galbraith, 1995). "Rather than
increasing hierarchies, they support the minimizing of vertical
structures and the flattening of hierarchies, creating lateral roles and
relations. The decision making processes become decentralized and there
is a decrease in formalization" (Complex Organizations, n.d.).
As with other aspects of the personnel function it is important that
line managers are involved, at least to some extent, with employee
relations. But there must be good communications and close consultation
with the personnel department. There must be teamwork and a concerted
organizational approach to the management of employee relations. This is
made easier when top management, who retain ultimate responsibility for
the personnel function, take an active part in fostering goodwill and
co-operation between departments and with official union
Top management should agree clear terms of reference for both the
personnel manager and line managers within the framework of sound
personnel policies. "By creating lateral connections, the information in
the organization is allowed to flow more directly. The communication
system would be an informal one. This can be achieved through liaison
roles and task forces" (Complex Organizations, n.d.).
The purpose of lateral organizational relations is contributed to a
nationwide restructuring of corporations, with the multi-divisional form
of organization becoming the standard for large industrial firms
producing multiple products in multiple markets. He was one of the first
management theorists to perceive the importance of creating a strategic
plan for a business before framing its organizational structure
(Galbraith, 1995).
In general lateral thinking is the generation of new ideas and the
escape from old ones. Creativity involves breaking out of established
patterns in order to look at things in a different way and creativity
comes into every aspect of managing a business not only innovation but
information systems, communications, finance, marketing, advertising and
promotion, labor relations, problem solving, planning, design, R&D and
public relations.
According to Ball: "Traditionally, the structure and therefore the
communication process is based upon a hierarchy of individual
departments, although more and more organizations now see the product
and the market as more fundamental to structure than individual
departments" (Ball, 2001).
The lateral organizational arrangements is a part of the generality of
management. The personnel manager, as a separate entity, operates in
terms of a 'functional' relationship, that is as a specialist adviser on
personnel matters and on the implementation of personnel policies
through all departments of the organization. It is the job of the
personnel manager to provide specialist knowledge and services for line
managers, and to support them in the performance of their jobs.
In all other respects the personnel manager's relationship with other
managers, supervisors and staff is indirect: that is, an advisory
relationship. It is the line managers who have authority and control
over staff in their departments, and who have the immediate
responsibility for personnel management, although there will be times
when they need the specialist help and advice of the personnel manager.
If the personnel function is to be effective there has to be good
teamwork, and co-operation and consultation between line managers and
the personnel manager. In this case, "High-quality internal training
programs not only give people the skills they need, but also send the
clear message that you care about people's career development and are
willing to invest in them as individuals" (HRM guide, n.d.)
The lateral organizational arrangements offers the best hope for
long-term business prosperity, and he concentrates on the principle that
the salaried manager's role is critical. As managers receive power and
authority through their official roles, so their careers become
increasingly technical and professional. One could use lateral thinking
for five per cent of the time and vertical thinking for the other 95 per
cent, operating the systems alternately.
The significance of the distinction between jobs and roles is that in
the new process-based organization, horizontal processes (which may have
been defined in a business process re-engineering exercise) cut across
organizational boundaries. Managements are beginning to regard their
organizations in some fundamentally different ways. Rather than seeing
them as a hierarchy of static jobs, they think of them, as dynamic
Some members may have the opportunity to determine their own role
expectations, where, for example, formal expectations are specified
loosely or only in very general terms. Opportunities for
self-established roles are more likely in senior positions (Galbraith,
Given the possibility that different demands of the environment are
characterized by different levels of uncertainty, then it follows that
individual departments may develop different structures. At the
organizational level the detailed involvement of the work activities of
organizational several departments, available time, and the need for
specialization suggest that the personnel manager has a prominent role
to play. The ager is the main executor of personnel policies but acting
in consultation with, and taking advice from, line managers.
Lateral organizational arrangements are connected with coordination and
consultation. Line managers are on hand to observe directly the
performance of their staff. They will actually see, and be directly
affected by, for example, lateness of staff, unsatisfactory work,
insufficient training, low morale, staff unrest, or poor planning of
work duties and responsibilities. As an element function, personnel is
an integral part of any managerial activity. The extent to which the
personnel function is devolved to line managers is a decision for top
management, and is likely to be influenced by the nature and
characteristic features of the particular industry or organization.
Separate units of differing size, location and mix of skills, means of
necessity the personnel function is decentralized and prime
responsibility has to be with line management.
An understanding of the capabilities of individuals and groups terms of
attitudes, abilities and skills, as well as an understanding how
individuals relate one to another, is an important part of the
preparation and development of strategy. At the same time there has been
a deterioration in lateral relations in many places, and a failure to
introduce changes in work methods necessary for effective competition
and organizational effectiveness. Personnel departments as such are
clearly not to blame for these developments much more guilty are those
line managers at the highest level who have opted out of their most
important function, that of managing people.
Members may not always be consciously aware of these informal
expectations yet they still serve as important determinants of behavior.
The psychological contract implies a variety of expectations between the
individual and the organization. These expectations cover a range of
rights and privileges, duties and obligations which do not form part of
a formal agreement but still have an important influence on behavior.
At the departmental or unit level the individuals might assume a
prominent role for day-to-day personnel matters, with the personnel
manager as adviser, and if necessary as arbitrator. They would be more
concerned, at least in the first instance, with the operational aspects
of personnel activities within their own departments. For example: the
organization of work and allocation of duties; minor disciplinary
matters; standards of work performance; safety; on-the-job training;
communication of information; and grievances from staff . On-line
communication process can reduce waste of time for solving these
problems (DeSanctis, Monge, 1998).
Within lateral organizational arrangements many role expectations are
prescribed formally and indicate what the person is expected to do and
their duties and obligations. Formal role prescriptions provide
guidelines for expected behaviors and may be more prevalent in a
'mechanistic' organization. Formal role expectations may also be derived
clearly from the nature of the task. But not all role expectations are
prescribed formally. There will be certain general conduct, mutual
support to co-members, attitudes towards superiors, means of
communicating, dress and appearance.
According to lateral organizational arrangements it is made easier when
top management, who retain ultimate responsibility for the personnel
function, take an active part in fostering goodwill and harmonious
working relationships among departments. Top management should agree
clear terms of reference for individuals within a framework of sound
personnel policies. Within this framework the personnel function can be
seen as operating at two levels: the organizational level and the
departmental level.
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Author: Andrew Sandon
Human Resources Management (HRM) Advice 3
What Role Does Human Resource Management Play in a Business?
The human resource function has gone from the traditional hire and
fire role to a strategic partner at the table with finance, operations
and other business centers that are not centers of profit for the
organization. The job of HR, as is the job of all such departments, is
to ensure that the business gets the most out of its employees. Another
way to put this is that the human resource management needs to provide a
high return on the business’s investment in its people. This makes it a
highly complex function – because it deals with not just management
issues but human ones as well.
These 2 polarities are not always easy to balance and the human
resource managers specifically try to maximize output from employees by
instituting various schemes and policies. The following are some of the
functions handled by the human resources team.
Handle compensation and rewards:–
Human resources are responsible for tying incentives and rewards to
certain positions and roles in order to maximize performance levels.
This is a strategic thinking task because it affects every single person
in the organization and has to be planned separately for each position,
depending on level, department and goals. Some jobs need to be more goal
driven, such as sales so salary can be basic but commission can form the
bulk of the remuneration, leading to more incentive to work effectively
and close sales. Some firms tie top management’s salary to stock price
but this can be risky. It is up to human resources to structure this
important aspect to everyone’s satisfaction.
Another important task handled by the human resource function is the
selection and retention of employees. If the right type of employees
does not enter the organization, its days are numbered, because people
drive almost any type of organization towards success.
Performance management:–
Regular, balanced and systematic appraisals must be administered
consistently in order to evaluate the performance of each individual in
the organization. This allows human resources to pinpoint the weaknesses
of an individual’s work style and the strengths. They can then share
this information with the employee in order to affect a change in
performance. This in turn will lead to more productivity and potentially
better returns on human investment.
Point of contact:–
The human resource personnel form the point of contact for an employee
with any type of difficulty or query about their remuneration or other
aspects of employment with the business. It is essential for someone to
be available to answer questions and provide guidance. This communicates
to the employee that the business cares about his or her concerns and is
available to address them.
Employee expectations:–
The human resources function fulfills a very important ‘soft skill’,
unspoken task – that of balancing employee expectations and the
organization’s expectations. Both need to be addressed and aligned for a
business to be successful and one with satisfied employees. Only a
content and motivated employee will deliver good work, so it is the job
of human resources to keep track of the expectations of the employee and
those of the organization to ensure both are met simultaneously.
Author: William King
Human Resources Management (HRM) Advice 4
Human Resource Management at Microsoft
Microsoft is one of the wealthiest and most successful companies in
the world. Even more important, from a human resource perspective, is
the fact that Microsoft is an employee-driven organization. While other
organizations base their success on better manufacturing techniques, or
better technology, Microsoft’s success is based on the effectiveness of
their employees. Essentially, Microsoft value their staff and realize
the importance of their staff. This focus on employees may, in the
future, expand to all organizations. Microsoft then, is worth studying
as an example of best practice in human resource management.
This study will focus on Microsoft’s employee management methods
including how they recruit and how they retain their staff. By looking
at how Microsoft operate, there is opportunity for other organizations
to consider how they manage their employees and to consider whether
their staff are also valued.
Firstly, the study will present information on the human resource
practices at Microsoft. Secondly, the study will analyse these practices
with a view to showing why they are effective.
Recruitment and Selection - In the Beginning
Bill Gates is the driving force for Microsoft and from the beginning of
the company he believed in recruiting extremely intelligent staff,
favoring intelligence over experience, “his preference for hiring
extremely intelligent, not necessarily experienced, new college
graduates dated from Microsoft’s start-up days, when he and cofounder
Paul Allen recruited the brightest people they knew from school - their
‘smart friends’” (Bartlett 1).
From the beginning Gates realized that his employees were his greatest
assets, shown by his quotes including “it’s the effectiveness of our
developers that determines our success” and “take our 20 best people
away, and I will tell you that Microsoft will become an unimportant
company” (Bartlett 2).
Microsoft’s recruitment strategies reflect their philosophy. They sought
the smartest and the most driven people and did so aggressively, as
Steve Ballmer says “whenever you meet a kick-ass guy, get him” (Bartlett
The recruitment strategies in the beginning included sourcing people
from the elite educational facilities such as Harvard, Yale, MIT,
Carnegie-Melon and Stanford. Microsoft recruiters would visit these
universities “in search of the most brilliant, driven students”
(Bartlett 2). Experience was not required and it was in fact, preferred
that new employees had no experience.
Once selected, these students had to undergo a thorough selection
process. The first stage was an interview “by at least 3, and sometimes
up to 10, Microsoft employees” (Bartlett 2).
These interviews were designed not to test knowledge, but to test
“thought processes, problem-solving abilities, and work habits”
(Bartlett 2). Technical interviews are described as being focused mainly
on problem-solving, with interviewers posing problem scenarios. To test
the composure of the candidate and also their creative problem-solving
skills, unexpected questions were also included. Two examples of these
questions given are “how many times does the person use the word ‘the’
in a day” and “describe the perfect TV remote control” (Bartlett 2).
After the interview, interviewers would e-mail their decision on the
interviewee with the words ‘Hire’ or ‘No Hire’ and comments on the
problem area, the future interviewers would then use these comments to
further investigate whatever issues there were with the interviewee
(Bartlett 3). This interviewing process was essentially a ‘make or
break’ one, where interviewees were pushed to their limits, if they
thrived and survived this meant they would also thrive and survive in
the Microsoft working environment.
After this series of interviews, if the majority of interviewers were
favorable the interviewee would finally meet with their manager and this
manager would make a final hire/no hire decision. The very last step is
an interview by someone outside the hiring group, this person is
independent and so unbiased in their opinion. This person is meant as a
final check that the person is a good Microsoft person and also to
prevent managers from hiring the wrong people because they have a need
to fill a certain position (Bartlett 3).
The importance of hiring the right people is also shown in Microsoft’s
‘n minus 1’ strategy which means less people are employed than are
required. This policy reinforces that hiring the right people is more
important than hiring just to fill a position.
Recruitment and Selection - Later Stages
Microsoft retained the same basic principles as they expanded but had to
change their methods when the number of new employees required could no
longer be sourced only from universities.
The recruiting practices continued to be active rather than passive,
with Microsoft ‘head hunting’ the best staff. These staff were found,
monitored and recruited from other companies by over 300 recruiting
experts, “once someone had been identified as ‘hard core’ - Microsoft’s
euphemism for the kind of highly talented and driven people they sought
- the pursuit was relentless, if subtle. Regular telephone calls at
discreet intervals, conversations at industry conventions, invitations
to formal dinners - recruiting team members employed every means
possible to keep the lines of communication open” (Bartlett 9).
Microsoft also took advantage of breaking opportunities such as company
layoffs, one example is with the AOL down size, “when we heard AOL was
downsizing Netscape’s operations in the valley, we assembled a team to
identify the best talent and go knocking on doors” (Bartlett 10).
Employee Satisfaction and Loyalty
Microsoft attempted to cater to the needs of its employees from the
beginning. Recognizing that the majority of employees were just out of
college, the Microsoft company operated like a campus. The former
director of human resources describes this saying, “how do you make
young kids who had never been away from home - or only as far as college
- comfortable? We wanted to keep the atmosphere at work one they were
somewhat familiar with, and also make sure it gave them a sense of
social belonging” (Bartlett 4). This environment also included every
employee having their own office they were free to decorate as they
please and the provision of subsidized food and drink (Bartlett 4).
Employee satisfaction was also afforded by the opportunity for growth,
“development also occurred by encouraging horizontal transfers, and
employees were encouraged to develop themselves by switching jobs”
(Bartlett 6).
It is noted that few employees leave the organization by dismissal, with
the majority leaving voluntarily (Bartlett 10). Concern over high
attrition rates in the 1990s led to surveys to find the cause of the
problem and for changes to be implemented. One of the major changes was
the requirement for top management to coach lower levels, assisting in
their development by doing so. This became known as ‘turning over the
keys’ (Bartlett 11). This is important because it allows people an
opportunity to develop further. Also critical to the changes was a new
focus on empowering people and of defining clear goals. These changes
were all designed to increase employee satisfaction and commitment to
the organization, while maintaining the same spirit the small company
began with.
Employee Rewards
In the early days Gates was a firm believer that employee ownership was
critical in raising motivation and employee retention, in lieu of high
salaries he offered employees equity (Bartlett 7). Once listed on the
stock exchange, this continued, with the company offering stock options
to employees based on performance.
Critical to this is the link between individual performance and reward,
with semi-annual performance reviews linked to pay increases, bonus
awards and stock options (Bartlett 7). Performance goals employees were
measured against were specific measurable ones, these performance
objectives shortened to SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable,
Results-based, and Time-bound (Bartlett 2). This formal review system
also included more common evaluations by managers to ensure no
unexpected deviations. The system also included the process of employees
evaluating themselves, these self-evaluations then being sent to the
manager who does their own evaluation. The employee and manager then
meet to discuss the review (Bartlett 8).
Stock options awards are based on whether the employee is considered a
long-term asset of the company and awarded on this basis. This is an
important symbol of Microsoft’s commitment to retaining good employees.
Recruitment and Selection
It is reported that companies must be aware of where they are going in
the future and how the current configuration of human resources relates
to this (Noe et al., Ch.5).
As we have seen, Microsoft employ different recruitment practices than
many organizations based on their need for the very best people.
Microsoft actively recruit suitable employs and focus on the right type
of person rather than the right type of skill level. In ‘Human Resource
Management: An Experiential Approach’ (Bernadin & Russell) human
resources are described as an important source of competitive advantage.
Microsoft use human resources for competitive advantage, basing their
success on having the very best people in the industry and inspiring
them to be the best. It is this that leads to Microsoft’s unique
recruitment practices. Based on the importance placed on having the best
people in the industry, their aggressive ‘head hunting’ techniques are
What is most crucial here is that Microsoft’s recruitment practices meet
their human resource needs. It is an important sign of the focused
approach of Microsoft, with their actions always leading towards their
ultimate goals.
Some important factors to be considered in recruiting staff include that
the recruiter should be from the same functional area and that
candidates should not be deceived about the negative elements of a job (Noe
et al., Ch.5). The interview process at Microsoft reflects this with the
new employee being interviewed by the manager. The recruitment process
also goes further than just informing the employee about the negative
aspects, instead the recruitment process actually tests the employee on
the negative aspects, putting them under the same type of pressure they
would be put under on the job. This is an effective method, as it can be
ascertained, that if the employee is successful in the selection
process, they will be successful within the organization.
Employee Motivation
McNamara says that “the key to supporting the motivation of your
employee is understanding what motivates each of them.” The important
thing about Microsoft is that they employ people who specifically will
be motivated by the environment they provide. They do not employ skilled
people and expect them to be motivated, they employ intelligent and
driven individuals and give them the environment and the opportunity to
develop beyond their current level. The fit between employee and
organization is important to motivation and this is what Microsoft
A recent study reported in the Journal of Applied Psychology reports
that employees working on projects are more efficient when their goals
relate to the overall team goals rather than individual goals
(Kristof-Brown). Microsoft ensures that the goals of the organization
are understood via its strong culture and by employees being clearly
aware of what is required of them.
Motivation can be described as providing a work environment in which
individual needs become satisfied through efforts that also serve
organizational objectives (Schermerhorn 395). Microsoft achieves this by
incorporating their goals into their human resource management programs.
The people recruited and the systems within the organization all serve
to motivate the type of people that Microsoft values.
Employee motivation can also be related to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
theory. This theory has the top level of the needs theory as
self-actualization needs, which is a persons need to be self-fulfilled.
It is described that the way to achieve this is to “provide people with
opportunities to grow, be creative, and acquire training for challenging
assignments and advancement” (Daft 530). This is exactly what Microsoft
provides for its staff and also exactly what it expects, for them to be
the very best they can be. One employee of Microsoft describes this
saying “the only way to achieve here is to push the envelope of what you
can do. Every day try to do better. Work smarter. Work harder. Innovate
more. People are focused 100% on performing their job as successfully as
possible (Bartlett 5). The link can also be seen here between the type
of people that are employed and what is expected. Microsoft hires the
very best people, for these people to achieve self-actualization they
need to be pushed harder than most and given greater opportunity to
achieve than most.
Employee Loyalty and Satisfaction
We have seen that empowering employees is one of the new approaches
being utilized by Microsoft. It is noted that empowering employees
requires a culture that reflects this (Billsberry 292). In the Microsoft
case we see that a change of culture is actually the reasoning behind
the introduction of empowerment, suggesting that the change is
considered and will be successful.
Employee loyalty and satisfaction is also assisted by Microsoft’s
consideration of its employees. We saw that in the early days, the
company largely consisted of young graduates and the company built a
culture around the needs of this group of young graduates. This process
has continued, with Microsoft always attempting to cater for the needs
of its employees.
The latest attempt is by providing greater opportunity for younger
employees, by having older employees coach them.
Three aspects of tasks that affect job satisfaction are job complexity,
degree of physical strain and perceived value of the task (Noe et al.,
Ch.10). Microsoft manages this by providing the high complexity high
achievers require and by ensuring the perceived value of the task is
high. This high value is communicated via the high-achieving culture the
company maintains.
This issue can also be looked at in terms of an employee’s role. There
are three factors associated with roles: role ambiguity, role conflict
and role overload (Noe et al., Ch.10). Role ambiguity is kept low by
Microsoft because of the consistency in the culture and in what is
required, role conflict is also kept low. Role overload is kept high,
with employees pushed to their limits. In most organizations this would
be a concern, but Microsoft’s awareness of this means that they
specifically seek employees who will react well with role overload.
Employee Rewards
In ‘Ideas That Will Shape the Future of Management Practice’ (Bohl,
Luthans, Hodgetts & Slocum) human resources is described as being the
way of the future with it being argued that we will see a more mature
articulation of the importance of people as a firm’s only sustainable
competitive advantage. The change is described as giving high reward for
high performance with the focus on a partnership.
As we have seen, Gates recognized the importance of his people from the
beginning and this is reflected in the reward systems, that not only
rewards for current achievement but rewards stocks to those that are
seen as valuable future assets of the company. This can be seen as a
prime example of the focus on a partnership, those that are seen as
being valuable to the company, are rewarded with shares that will
increase in value even as that person assists in moving the company
Important to the reward system is also the fact that there are two
reward paths available, one for those following the technical path and
one for those following the management path. The skills of employees can
be divided into three areas: conceptual skills, human skills and
technical skills. Typically, conceptual skills become more required and
technical skills less required as one moves up the corporate ladder
(Daft 15). Microsoft is a company valuing technical skills, due to the
nature of its product. In most organizations, employees with conceptual
skills would be rewarded by moving up the corporate ladder, while those
with technical skills would not advance. Microsoft, however, offers two
advancement path, allowing those with technical skills to advance as
technical experts, just as those with conceptual skills advance as
Reward systems are an important part of organizational culture, they
communicate to employees what is valued by the organization (Robbins,
Bergman & Stagg 84). By having these two reward systems, Microsoft
effectively communicates that both sets of skills are valued. This is
also an important sign of Microsoft’s consistency. They recruit people
for technical ability and so not rewarding for it would be dissatisfying
to employees.
Author: H.silistre
Human Resources Management (HRM) Advice 5
How to Apply Human Resource Management in Several Environments
The Human Resource Management (HRM) is an academic theory and a
business practice that is connected with the theoretical and practical
techniques of managing a staff . its theoretical discipline is based
primarily on the assumption that employees or the staff are individuals
with changing goals and needs, and it should not be considered as basic
business resources, such as trucks and filing cabinets. The workers,
takes a positive view Field thinking that all wish to contribute to the
enterprise productively, and that the main obstacles to their endeavors
are lack of knowledge, insufficient training, and failures of process.
The Human Resource Management is considered to be the part of a business
or company which recruits, develops and utilizes an organization's
personnel in the way which would benefit the firm's aims and objectives.
It creates alignment between an organization's HRM strategy and the core
objectives of a business considered as essential. Human Resource
Management (HRM) is all about managing people, human capital and culture
for business success. The human resources management (HRM) function
includes a variety of activities, and key among them is deciding what
staffing needs you have and whether to use independent contractors or
hire employees to fill these needs, recruiting and training the best
employees, ensuring they are high performers, dealing with performance
issues, and ensuring your personnel and management practices conform to
various regulations. Activities also include managing your approach to
employee benefits and compensation, employee records and personnel
The Human Resource Management is seen by practitioners in the field
as a more innovative view of workplace management than the traditional
approach. The techniques force the managers of an enterprise to express
their goals with specificity so that they can understand the workforce,
and to provide the resources needed for them to successfully accomplish
their assignments. Thus Human Resource Management techniques, when
properly practiced, seem to be expressive of the goals and operating
practices of the enterprise overall.
Nowadays, it has concerned synonyms such as personnel management are
often used in a more restricted sense to describe those activities that
are necessary in the recruiting of a workforce, providing its members
with payroll and benefits, by which Staff is administered . These
activities require regulatory knowledge and effort, and enterprises can
benefit from the recruitment and development of personnel with these
specific skills.
Academic theory
The aims of Human Resource Management is to help an organization or
Institution to meet strategic goals by attracting, and maintaining
employees and also to manage them effectively. The academic theory of
Human Resource Management is that humans should not be considered
machines. Therefore ,we should have an interdisciplinary examination of
people in the workplace. The Fields such as psychology, industrial and
organizational psychology, sociology, and critical theories:
postmodernism, post-structuralism play a major role. Many colleges and
universities offer bachelor and master degrees in Human Resources
The activities of Human resource managers are involved such as
interviewing applicants, staff training, and dealing with laws and
regulations within employment. The Human Resource Management is composed
of seven interlinked activities taking place with organizations. The
seven major HR management activities are given Below:
(1) Strategic HR Management,
(2) Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO),
(3) Staffing,
(4) HR Development,
(5) Compensation and Benefits,
(6) Health, Safety, & Security, and
(7) Employee & Labor Relations. Within these activities there are
external forces involved such as legal, economic, technological, global,
environmental, cultural/geographic, political, and social--which
significantly affect HR activities and how they are designed, managed,
and changed.
“Resource Manager" and that is the only change. Empowerment has been
noted as an HRM practice which by critics has been noted more as a
pseudo-empowerment, based on attitudinal shaping “___(Wilkinson 1998).
“Other such HRM practices have been noted as hidden within rhetoric,
and many examples particularly within call centers are much more
Orwellian, and hide the reality, through attitudinal shaping
“_____(Wilkinson 1998).
“Today, unions remain a controversial topic. Under the provisions of
the Taft-Hartley Act, the closed-shop arrangement states employees
(outside the construction industry) are not required to join a union
when they are hired. Union-shop arrangements permit employers to hire
non-union workers contingent upon their joining the union once they are
hired. The Taft-Hartley Act gives employers the right to file unfair
labor practice complaints against the union and to express their views
concerning unions _____(Cherrington, 1995).
The Human Capital : Carmeli, A and Schaubroeck, J argue that “having
higher levels of human resources capital was strongly associated with
performance only when top managers perceived that these resources
provided distinctive value in terms of being highly valuable,
inimitable, rare, and nonsubstitutable”
For this reason, motivation of employee is at the heart of how
innovative and productive things get done within work organization (Bloisi-W,
2003, p.172). Before studying the different ways to motivate, we have to
give a clear definition of the word “motivation”.
Bloisi, W argues that “motivation involves a conscious decision to
perform one or more activities with greater effort that one performs
others activities competing for attention”.
Human capital is a way of defining and categorizing the skills and
abilities as used in employment and as they otherwise contribute to the
economy. Many early economic theories refer to it simply as labor, one
of three factors of production, and consider it to be a commodity --
homogeneous and easily interchangeable. Other conceptions of labor are
more sophisticated
Origin of concept History
“ The term human capital was first discussed by Arthur Cecil Pigou :
"There is such a thing as investment in human capital as well as
investment in material capital. So soon as this is recognized, the
distinction between economy in consumption and economy in investment
becomes blurred. For, up to a point, consumption is investment in
personal productive capacity. This is specially important in connection
with children: to reduce unduly expenditure on their consumption may
greatly lower their efficiency in after-life. Even for adults, after we
have descended a certain distance along the scale of wealth, so that we
are beyond the region of luxuries and "unnecessary" comforts, a check to
personal consumption is also a check to investment (Pigou, 1928, A Study
in Public Finance, Macmillan, London, p. 29).
Global Presence of Companies
The global debate is on regarding the fair distribution of human
capital between the countries . This points to the educated individuals,
who typically migrate from poorer places or developing countries to
richer places seeking opportunity, making 'the rich richer and the poor
poorer'. When these workers migrate, generally, their early care and
education is benefited by the country where they move to work and live
their lives . And, when they have health problems or retire, their care
and retirement pension will typically be paid in the new country.
Historical HRM from 19th to 20th Centuries :
During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, The Human Capital in
the United States had became considerably more valuable as the need for
skilled labor came with newfound technological advancement. These New
techniques and processes also required further education than the
normally of primary schooling, which hence led to the creation of more
formalized schooling across the nation. The early insight into the need
for education allowed for provided a Shift to US productivity and
economic prosperity, when compared to other world leaders at the time.
The rights and freedom of individuals who travelled for the want of
opportunity, despite some historical exceptions such as the Soviet bloc
and its "Iron Curtain", seem to consistently outweigh the rights of
nation-states that nurture and educate them its worth mentioning that,
the ability to have mobility with regards to where people want to move
and work is a part of their human capital. They were able to move from
one place to an other .
HRM in Several Environments
Being increase in competition, locally or globally, organizations
must become more adaptable, resilient, agile, and customer-focused to
succeed. And within this change in environment, the HR professional has
to evolve to become a strategic partner, an employee sponsor or
advocate, and a change mentor within the organization. In order to
succeed in this term , HR must be a business driven function with a
thorough understanding of the organization’s big picture and be able to
influence key decisions and policies. The focus of today’s HR Manager is
on strategic personnel retention and talents development. HR
professionals can be e coaches, counselors, mentors, and succession
planners to help motivate organization’s members and their loyalty. The
HR manager will also have to promote and fight for values, ethics,
beliefs, and spirituality within their organizations, especially in the
management of workplace diversity as compared to the Work Force of
various states .
Many companies now have realized the advantages of a diverse
workplace. As many of them are going local in their market expansions
either physically or virtually (for example, E-commerce-related
companies), there is a necessity to employ diverse talents to understand
the various niches of the market. If want to take the example of China
when it was opening up its markets and exporting their products globally
in the late 1980s, the Chinese companies (such as China’s electronic
giants such as Hair) were seeking the marketing expertise of
Singaporeans. This was due to Singapore’s marketing talents were able to
understand the local China markets relatively well (almost 75% of
Singaporeans are of Chinese descent) and as well as being attuned to the
markets in the West due to Singapore’s open economic policies and
English language abilities. (Toh, R, 1993)
Similarly if we take the Example of Microsoft a Global company and
No1Software Company has some values to work in different environments.
They are adaptable to any Culture or norms and rules of the Country
because they employ the local Talent there besides their working capital
already they have with. They rely on local Partners as entrepreneurs for
their sales and marketing. In this Line
The Google has done remarkable by establishing sites of Various
Countries ij their own languages which has really helped them to go
forward and become the biggest advertising company for Web . Billion of
ads shown on site as ad words . But the main thing they employ the Local
talent for boosting their sales .
Yahoo is also an International Company in competition with Google and
Microsoft. But it shares went down due to improper Human Resource and
improper understanding of the Local markets of the Various Countries .
Conclusion :
Finally , If the Human Resource Management Theory assessed globally ,
it has really brought revolution in outsourcing and hiring of the staff
. It has really opened the Vistas of talent and opened the doors of the
talent to the Globe . Now opportunities are not limited to the
particular Countries. They HRM has proved vital for the Biggest
Companies such as Sony , Samsung , Motorola and LG also .They have the
same phenomena of taking the products menus in the local languages to
sell and market their Products through the Local Human Resource .
Author: Abdul Rahman Malik
HRM Training Resources

Executive Education: Strategic HRM Course in
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